Winter Newsletter, 2024
Welcome to the winter newsletter, which means we are almost at the end of another year at Blagdon – time flies and on the estate and we have seen many changes this year. Unlike everyone else, we are not going to talk about the summer or the lack of and that in the spring we had so much rain, the first open garden event had to be cancelled! However, we did have over, 100 school children come and visit us this year on trips organised through The Country Trust Charity – the schools involved were, Dunn Street Primary, Meadowdale Academy, Riverside Primary and Greenfields. We also managed to have a few successful charity open garden events and the Fleetwood Mac tribute event in June, organised by St Mary’s Church, Stannington and an amazing £7k was raised.
On the estate
The maintenance and woods department staff have been busy maintaining and renovating properties across the estate and keeping the grounds neat and tidy. We now have an additional member of the team, Richard Swan working with us in the maintenance team. In the office, we work with the Galbraith team, who are our managing agents at Blagdon and have sold off and rented out some of our estates properties this year. We have an active waiting list for residential and commercial properties at Blagdon and if you know anyone that wishes to be added to the waiting list please telephone our reception on Tel: 01670 789621 to submit details and requirements for a rental property.
The shorter days, cooler nights are here, and we hope the winter is kind and not too cold. Looking on the bright side, Christmas is on the horizon, and it is usually a time for socialising, spending time with family and friends, the exchange of gifts for some and an opportunity to indulge in a little (or a lot) of festive food and drink. Hopefully, we will all get the opportunity to spend quality time, at home over Christmas and even sit in front of a roaring fire if you have one at home.
Whilst Blagdon is private, tenants, staff and contractors enjoy access to the estates footpaths which offer peace and tranquillity, especially over the festive season, for estate people to enjoy with their families and friends. The colours of the and trees as the leaves turn in the wintertime are quite spectacular – maybe there might be a dusting of snow this year too!
Chimneys, fires, and solid fuel
Many of the traditional styles of Blagdon properties do have open chimneys/open fires/stoves which have been installed by tenants. If you have one of these, you must have the chimney flue swept at least once a year and send the chimney sweeping certificate through to the estate office for our records. A reminder is issued, annually, so if you haven’t already done the sweep for this year, we suggest you book it in with the chimney sweep as they do tend to get a booked up well in advance at this time of year. Logs for the fire should be well seasoned, dried, or even kiln dried, ready to burn and can be purchased from various local suppliers. The estate does not sell firewood logs, as timber is sold directly from our woodlands to a select range of timber contractors.
Heating and Condensation
The winter months can be challenging times in terms of getting the balance right between heating and airing the property and therefore free of condensation. On the estate’s website, we have some advice on dealing with condensation and how to avoid causing dampness inside properties which can lead to mould spores and mildew forming on walls and clothes. Please refer to the advice and keep your home heated throughout the cooler months and the fresh air circulating, by opening windows/doors (trickle vents, where fitted), especially when cooking, after bathing/showering and avoid drying clothes inside which creates a significant amount of moisture in the air. Tenants often tell us they use their own dehumidifiers at home, which is an effective way of drawing out moisture from the home.
Looking after your UPVC windows and doors
Go-For windows Ltd, has published a guide on how to look after your windows, doors and conservatories which is also available to read on our website. The estates maintenance department have offered their services to visit Blagdon owned properties, to give advice to tenants and to lubricate the hinges, mechanisms for UPVC windows and doors only, to keep them in the best condition. To take up the offer, telephone our reception to book in an appointment for a member of our maintenance team to call at your home within the next few months.
Blocked sewage drains.
Northumbrian Water are campaigning to “Bin the Wipes” as flushed wipes contribute towards 60% of sewer blockages in the Northeast. At Blagdon, we also experience the same issues, with blocked drains due to this problem. Please be aware and avoid causing huge problems in your home. Details of the NWL campaign can be found on the link: www.nwl.co.uk/binthewipe
Advice for our tenants
Tenants can now download standing order forms and permit to work forms from the website, and the application forms for the Ridley Family Charity are available to download.
Blagdon Estate Office, Opening Times/Reports of estate type repairs
The Blagdon estate office opening times are 9am until 1pm, Monday to Friday. Reports of estate type repairs should always be made by ‘phone to the estate office on Tel: 01670 789621 as we cannot guarantee a response to reports of repairs which are sent to any personal email addresses. If there is no answer on the phone during the office opening times, there is a voicemail facility for you to leave a message and if out of hours, there is an emergency contact telephone number. Staff will respond to all telephone messages as soon as possible and allocate accordingly.
Christmas and New Year
The estate will close for the Christmas break on Tuesday, 24th of December, at 12 noon and re-open on Thursday, 2nd of January 2025. During these times, the voicemail facility will be on and Matthew Williamson, Agent will be on call for any estate type emergencies. He is contactable through the office voicemail/answerphone facility.
In the event of a power cut please contact Northern PowerGrid on Tel: 0800 169 2996.
Events in the village at Stannington
The Stannington village hall is available for hire and have events, regular clubs, and coffee mornings on the first Wednesday of every month. They have a Christmas Fair planned for the 7th of December and please see their website and notice boards for details. For bookings, email: booking@stanningtonvillagehall.org
St Mary the Virgin, Church Road, Stannington – Sunday services are at 10am.
The Church also has a Christmas Show lined up on Saturday 14th of December in the village hall – to obtain tickets for the Jason Arnup Band, Christmas Show don’t delay, and contact Dorothy today on Tel: 07702469338. In aid of Motor Neurone Disease and tickets are £12.50. Bring your own food and drink – we hope to see you there.
Post Office – the church post office is open on Monday, 1200 – 1330hrs. Soup is served in winter months.
Christmas Tree Festival, 2024
Blagdon Estate will be exhibiting a tree as part of the Stannington Church Christmas, tree festival, please feel free to add a personal message in remembrance of someone special on our Blagdon Memorial tree. Red baubles will be available for you to write your message/and or a name and will be next to the Blagdon tree, which will be on display on the following dates:
Friday 13th of December – 3.15pm-5pm
Saturday 14th of December – 10am-2pm
Sunday 15th of December – 11.30am-2pm
The tree will remain in the church over the Christmas season and then removed by arrangement after the 12th night.
Bus Service at Stannington
The X16 Arriva bus service now stops in Stannington, on an hourly basis, to allow people to get to and from the village. This service is ideal for travelling into Newcastle, Morpeth, or further afield.
Wishing you all a safe and festive season.
Regards, Claire
Estate Administrator, Blagdon.